Self-fulfilling prophecy and example statements...
💬 "It's too much to change"
💬 "I don't have time"...
💬 "I can't do anything about that"...
And while time is needed to think about things etc and even accept taking the long way around to solve things, people who are too quick to say all the above have settled for allowing things to be bad too and constantly let them continue instead of being constantly open or attacking to find a crack.
Like it or not this lack of looking is somewhat part of the problem too.
We people (#autism / #Neurodivergent or otherwise) can't stand or allow that like a mechanic who knows you can't ride around with leaks for too long, and can even admit they are not a perfect mechanics either, but we all MUST try (and not just try in one way or mono-work as that's part of the non-cross-pollinating solutions).
Else we leave it to others to crap on.
This "being crapped on" position is much more evident then any of our 'bad work'.
The average person simply doesn't want to take on the sort of things and even get pissed off at others asking them to be more responsible in life!
🔁 🔃 #Life #SelfFulfillingProphecy 🔁 🔃
#WhatGoesAroundComesAround (and what doesn't go around often also comes around less often)