WebRTC + Mastodon merged for simplest way + dedicated education pools for daily change because users (and their logic) are often the weak point and any "system" could be the users/admins that are humanly creating better culture as the main work directly themselves... ?
@stevetex @evan I like the idea.
I've often called for WebRTC + Mastodon in similar style as what works and what we already have... so you said something similar with Matrix (instant jump in #Jitsi https://theinternetphonebooth.com/ etc is what I prefer / no account nothing 3 clicks)
And that we get improving ourselves through actual socialising on any dedicated scale (#p2p #1to1 #manyto1 #manytomany) and spearhead our own change through relatively of the same ethics and advices to more and more people... which I assume we all also in my experience and observation..
The "morality" or principles when we all get down to it I think are all similar *but only* up or down the ladder of priority - So we still basically want for the the same rungs on the ladder and even just finding what they hell we're doing... but we can join up with servers more dedicate to this than aimless stuff (somewhat) and do work there instead if people dedicate themselves to seed server or just group / test lab within existing. We have the man power / power of mankind.
The most basic tech wins also if it's really the people work / human work we are doing and have to continually work on (i,e, real change is to link better users / better people through other etc?)
And not dedicating people or servers to this just fuels another kind endless social perhaps, staying about the same in change or chances since population growth dilutes / as floods the pool of people again and again making for not much change.
Even more important it seems to seed better culture and provide alternative more-direct dedicated contact.
What do you think?
Appreciate your thoughts on that.