I do little bits of C64 coding using XC=Basic. Sadly I don't do it often enough. #retrogaming
@icedquinn here's a quick explanation of the basics. https://github.com/gpowerf/XCBASICAdventureTemplate/blob/main/architecture.txt
@icedquinn the problem you will have with the C64 is that string manipulation is slow. I did another adventure (in BASIC) where it accepted sentences with the structure of:
[verb] [noun] or
[verb] noun] [preposition] [noun]
It also filtered words so that a sentence like "look at the window please" would be interpreted as "look window".
The issue with this is that string manipulation in BASIC was very slow. I ended up compiling the BASIC to speed it up, which worked better, but at times there was a little lag when interpreting things.
this is a problem i got stuck on somewhat