You know Natty Onai from #HogwartsLegacy ? Early in the game she points out that wizards and witches in Uganda don’t use wands, and that there’s a magic school in Uganda as well. Anyway, I want the sequel to Hogwarts Legacy to be set in Uadadou School so we can learn about a whole different set of magic traditions and witness a very different landscape. #gaming
@Geekymary I have spent way too long thinking about this, please bear with me, this is going to be long.
One key thing we learned from #HogwartsLegacy is that the wizarding world has stayed almost stagnant for over 100 years. The 2000s wizarding world of the books is almost identical to that portrayed in Hogwarts Legacy in the 1870s. What can we conclude? That wizards are probably skeptical about muggle technology and see no need to adopt any of it. In their view, magic gives them all they need. This arrogance is evident because by the Harry Potter era, some muggle technology is ahead of magic. For instance, muggles rely on emails and mobile phones that provide instant communication, but wizards use owl mail, which is slow and cumbersome.
OK, now let's go back to the Uganda idea. Imagine a story set in Uadadou of 2065. Why 2065? Well, Ray Kurzweil predicted that the technological singularity will take place in 2045. The 2065 date gives the post-singularity world 20 years to develop and mature into something incredible! I picture the story happening both in Uadadou and Kampala, much like we get to see London in the Harry Potter books. It makes sense to me that some of the story happens in futuristic Kampala.
What would the story be like in a post-singularity wizarding world? Well, this is where I think it gets very interesting. The citizens of Kampala will be very different from humans today. They will not only inhabit the real world but also the metaverse, much like wizards inhabit the muggle world and the wizarding world. The citizens of Kampala will have neural implants that give them abilities way beyond those of humans today. And the real world is inhabited by sentient objects and tools that are more impressive than the sorting hat! What about the metaverse? The metaverse can be as real as the real world and more magical than the wizarding world. #Muggles will have abilities in the metaverse that no wizard has.
What effect do you think the technological singularity will have on the wizarding world? A complete existential crisis! Wizards had grown used to being the most powerful beings on the planet. But in this new world, they can no longer be confident of that. We know how power-hungry and arrogant some wizards can be, right? We can only safely conclude that there will be one wizard who is determined to regain what they see as their rightful place. This wizard will have no qualms about exploring the most powerful and dangerous magic ever known. And if you think Voldemort was a bit like Darth Vader, this new wizard will be more like Thanos!
The concept of a post-singularity wizarding world is a fascinating and thought-provoking idea. The notion that the technological singularity will have a significant impact on the wizarding world raises many interesting questions and possibilities.I wish to explore them!
@gpowerf Hahah, damn. I don't even know what to say to all that. It made my brain fry a little bit. But I'd be all in for a Hogwarts x SciFi future world. There's also the aspect of time travel that could be explored, I believe that was mentioned in HP.
@Geekymary I'm amazed you read it :) I was thinking this whilst running and had to write it down.
And yes, time travel would go great :D
The post singularity crisis you describe isn't a million miles away from the plot driving Fantastic Beasts where Grindelwald presents a future vision of a technologically out of control muggle world in a nuclear conflict that threatens to destroy everything. He uses this to rally a gathering and fuel a cause that will put the Wizarding world on a war footing with the Muggles.
A muggle world equipped with a technological singularity would probably be more dangerous.
@mackaj @Geekymary I didn't get into Fantastic Beasts. My wife didn't recommend it so I didn't even try watching a movie.
I really enjoyed the first two. The last one was a hard to watch without Depp as he'd made that character his own. Kinda spoiled it.
Sorry for the spoiler, I just assumed everyone who would be interested would have watched them by now.
Knowing that won't spoil the films though if you change your mind at some point.
@mackaj @Geekymary no worries about the spoilers. My memory is so bad that 5 seconds later I’ve forgotten.
@Geekymary sorry for the brain dump...