For some reason, I end up in PhD committees for topics that are far our of my field. Never thought I'd feel more lost being on the other side of the defense, but here I am. Again.
(Seriously, that whole statement that the PhD candidate is the biggest expert in the room in their area? That's not just people being nice, it's incredibly often true!)
@vicgrinberg "...and that's how she spent her next year."
@vicgrinberg Yeah, I actually studied outbursts in low-mass X-ray binaries for a little while before settling on a specialty in grad school, and I know it seemed like a bit of a small world.
@vicgrinberg Thus far I've been keeping my public posts on mastodon a little vague on personally-identifiable specifics, but if you are sufficiently curious I could tell you by way of a DM.
@internic if you feel comfortable, I'm a but curious. But also fully understand if you are not willing to.
@internic I really feel like any corner of astro is small - we are not that big of a field and often highly specialised 😅
And huh, now I'm curious who you worked with back then and whether I know them or if we ever intersected!