@DrYohanJohn we have neural measurables that *don’t* track those moments! 😂
Hm. Do you have a citation for a neural signal that tracks skewness or kurtosis?
@DrYohanJohn If you are interested in #PositiveSkewPreference, you have come to the right place! (although "representation" probably describes our work better than "tracking):
Ooh ooh this is definitely what I am interested in. Thank you!
Do you have a position on the neural plausibility of "Bayesian brain" theories? I find that if I take the math of Bayes theorem etc literally, the terms are hard to map onto neural processes I am aware of.
@knutson_brain @DrYohanJohn One other that I am aware of Symmonds, M., Wright, N. D., Bach, D. R. & Dolan, R. J. Deconstructing risk: Separable encoding of variance and skewness in the brain. NeuroImage 58, 1139–1149 (2011).
Nice! Thanks.
@knutson_brain @DrYohanJohn
Also Dabney, W. et al. A distributional code for value in dopamine-based reinforcement learning. Nature 577, 671–675 (2020).