It is proven! I am jinohchoi on Keybase:
I'm Director of ICT, Pint of Science Australia ( Former President of the Launceston Skeptics (, Former Vice-chair of the March for Science Australia and Lead Event Organiser for the March for Science Hobart & Launceston (, and a science advocate who seeks to promote critical thinking and an understanding of the scientific method.
Honest Government Ad | Coronavirus: #FlattenTheCurve #Covid19
Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV)( #Covid19
Wash Your Lyrics - #Covid19 (
The three phases of #Covid19 – and how we can make it manageable (
Does anyone have any pet #science topics not talked about? I'm not talking about fringe science. But science that isn't sexy to the mainstream.
I'm Director of ICT, Pint of Science Australia ( Former President of the Launceston Skeptics (, Former Vice-chair of the March for Science Australia and Lead Event Organiser for the March for Science Hobart & Launceston (, and a science advocate who seeks to promote critical thinking and an understanding of the scientific method.
Anyone involved in #Pint20 (
It is proven! I am jinohchoi on Keybase:
Opinions are my own and not the views of my employer. You can DM me on Keybase (
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