@veer66 You could write a multiline shebang that doesn't have to be specific to SBCL, like this:
#| -*- Lisp -*-
case "$LISP" in
allegro) ${ALLEGRO:-alisp} -qq -e "(setf *load-verbose* nil)" -L "$0" -- "$@" ;;
ccl) exec ${CCL:-ccl} --no-init --load "$0" -- "$@" ;;
clisp) exec ${CLISP:-clisp} -norc -q "$0" "$@" ;;
""|sbcl) exec ${SBCL:-sbcl} --noinform --no-userinit --no-sysinit --script "$0" "$@" ;;
*) echo >&2 "Unknown Lisp $LISP" ; exit 2
esac ; exit
I don't remember where I copied it from (probably from ASDF source code) and it is probably a bashism, but it works.