Hello Sir I intend to apply for TISS HRM&LR this year, but TISS has introduced an additional TISS MAT for candidates applying to HRM& LR. Here TISSMAT has a section on Business awareness with broad coverage: Knowledge of contemporary events news, related to the economy, business, human resource management and labour studies, to assess awareness and familiarity with business knowledge So would you be kind enough to suggest books/periodicals/blogs that would help me
@Shantanub Sure sir, thankyou you so much..
@kapoorrajat1857 Hi, I recommend the following resources for your reading on Business & Economy.
Magazine- at least past six issues
1. Business Today
2. Economist
3. Forbes India
4. Fortune- Most admired companies issue
5. Business India
1. Made in India Manager by Gopalkrishnan
2. 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Y N Harari
3. Good to Great by Jim Collins
4. Zero to One by Peter Thiel
5. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
@Shantanub Thank You so much Sir.
@kapoorrajat1857 Let me get back to you on this with a list. Give me till early next week.