Our new study is about to be submitted! We demonstrate that the effect of a background noise on #SpeechPerception is multifaceted, even in the case of a simple stationary white noise. You can find the #preprint on @biorxivpreprint (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.12.27.522040v1?med=mas), the raw and processed data on #zenodo (https://zenodo.org/record/7476407#.Y67E3hWZND9), and the #preregistration document on #OSF (https://osf.io/4ju3f/). #psycholinguistics #psychoacoustics #psycholinguistique @psycholinguistics
@ttpphd Oh Wow your work seems to be very "reverse-correlationable" indeed! Here I used the reverse-correlation technique on amplitude fluctuations in a phoneme categorization task, but I'm currently running a new experiment using it in a word segmentation task! I add your paper to my to-read list!