Oskar boosted

I'm considering going off X and LinkedIn for "networking", which are the only real reasons I've kept those accounts, and relying on email, personal website, and going to physical conferences regularly.

It seems that social networking isn't actually providing much value for me in a "professional" sense. People that know my work seem to have seen it on my website or in talks, or heard about it by word-of-mouth.

X probably has some part to play still, but it doesn't seem at all as important as it did 5-7 years ago, perhaps because of the scattered social network situation after Elon.

My most valuable connections and opportunities seem to rely on actually meeting people, making friends, direct messaging, and published work.

Not sure if I'm thinking about this backwards or missing something? Would love to hear how others deal with it.

I'm very impressed with the speed of zed.dev. Going to try it on Linux as well now that it's getting supported.

What are some fun starting projects if you want to learn Z3? Real-world problems you could solve in a few hours.

I'm doing a mob programming meetup and need some inspiration.

Rewriting the garden in Rust. It's heavy, fiddly, time-consuming, but most importantly a great joy.

Oskar boosted

Oskar Wickström och Mattias Ask bygger tester för webben. Tester som bara behöver en URL. Tester för användare som inte har tid att lära sig komplicerade ramverk. Tester mycket bredare än vad Fredrik först förstod. Tester byggda på egenskapsbaserad testning.

(Vill du testa? De 100 första som använder kupongkoden KODSNACK24 får en månad gratis!)

Allt detta och mer i veckans Kodsnack! Lyssna där poddar finns, eller på kodsnack.se/568/ #testing #propertybasedtesting #quickstrom #squidler

Returning to my home office next week after parental leave. Now with a "new" desk that I'm feeling very good about after some small modifications.

Does anyone know of applications/variations of Simulated annealing (or similar search strategies) where the search space is dynamic, i.e. changes over time between iterations ("generations" in genetic algorithms)? Like travelling salesman but the roads keep changing.

Maybe there's no fundamental change required? Just keep searching for better solutions and possibly accept worse ones with some probability, even if the space changes? The problem I'm seeing in my area is defining the neighborhood function when possible paths change over time.

Today is Incr_dom hacking day.

Oskar boosted

Lots of old and new friends around here now. Have a nice weekend all! I'm gonna find some time to hack on LTL stuff.

# Quickstrom 0.5.0 is released! 🎉

It's an entirely new implementation, with a new specification language (Specstrom) and underlying logic (QuickLTL). Browser testing reimagined!

**Docs:** docs.quickstrom.io/en/0.5.0/

**Source:** github.com/quickstrom/quickstr

I know I'm annoying. It's just been so quiet for so long. I've mostly focused on research and applying it in work situations. This release feels scary but I'm really looking forward to it getting even more industry usage (hopefully!)

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New Quickstrom release is SO CLOSE.

Seeing only content from people I follow is a strange thing to be excited about, but damn it's good.

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