@Diptchip Fantastic!
First things first, I have a math background, but AI/ML is fairly new to me. I am currently doing fast.ai, which is a great course on machine learning. Do you have any experience with ML? what are your interests?
@pench4nt No experience. Only interest. Dropped out after a year in school for programming. I've goofed off with a few scripting languages, but haven't compiled any binary. So what would you like to accomplish with ML?
@pench4nt This is probably the best use of ML that I've seen.
@Diptchip That site has been quite unsettling to me. It's extremely cool. But the possibilities are scary.
Also, check this out: https://storage.googleapis.com/chimera-painter/index.html
it's really neat.
@pench4nt That was pretty cool. Put the two together and you could... Make porn? That would be an interesting project. And then you can make the characters look like celebrities? Or whoever you wanted really...
@pench4nt this is a good place. Qoto has a relatively high percentage of techies.
@undefined @Demosthenes I see. Great!
I'm down to talk about that.