Put in a full day's work building video games and found time in the evening to engage in THREE hobbies (juggling, drawing, and Go).
@strypey Torches. My cascade is fairly reliable, but worse when they're on fire at night. Also working on turning in a circle while doing the cascade as well as double tosses
> My cascade is fairly reliable, but worse when they're on fire at night
I haven't spent much time with torches yet. I started off as a staff spinner, and started juggling because I wanted to juggle torches. I'm a competent club juggler but, but torches are tricky in that the bit you can see is the bit you don't want to catch ; )
@strypey Exactly!
> found time in the evening to engage in THREE hobbies (juggling, drawing, and Go)
What juggling props/ patterns have you been working on? I've been focusing mainly on 3 ball patterns, trying to work my way up to Mill's Mess.
#juggling #MillsMess