While I'm talking about projects, here's my just-completed weather widget, based on a Pi Pico W and a 3.7" e-ink display. It reads the temperature and humidity from another Pico with a sensor attached that's out on the back porch, and the forecast from the National Weather Service, uses a bit of fuzzy logic to select icons, and displays as many as can comfortably fit into the allocated area of the display.

This is rather more than the Pico can do well by itself, so this is all done by a script on another machine; this device just requests it at suitable intervals and displays it.

It all started because I got tired of going and looking at the mercury thermometer out back to find the temperature, toyed with the idea of pointing a camera at it, and ultimately decided to make this instead.

@pieist Very nice. I particularly like the font work here.

@recantha It's ITC Kabel bold or demi, I've used it a lot over the years, very fond of it; carries a certain 1930s WPA poster art quality.


@recantha (Belatedly I see you're British, so I can mention I first stumbled on the font when trying to evoke the style of certain 1930s London Transport posters, which might be more meaningful to you than WPA.)

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