I want to use here of Plume to organize my sub-account as a group.
And I would like to summarize the additional functions of distributed SNS mainly consisting of mastodon and pleroma etc. https://fediverse.blog/~/Fedinverse/i-want-to-use-here-of-plume-to-organize-my-sub-account-as-a-group/
re: And I would like to summarize the additional functions of distributed SNS mainly consisting of mastodon and pleroma etc.
( @japan をPlumeコメントでは使おうと思ってた(どうせ初手プレロマ(のCW空白もCWで認識されてたPlume)以外ではリプライツリー内での@メンションが必要ということから)のに完全に忘れてた謎現象報告のターン。やっぱプレロマにもマストドンBLOCKはキツいっすわ謎の備忘録 @wasanpuzzl )