I'm still reading tw!tt3r, but I have a filter that hides all tweets fro anyone with a blue check. So all I see is the people and institutions who won't pay, and the people with less than a million or so followers. It's kind of different.
Can you share code to modify these parameters for the rest of us please.
@pieist : I'm still reading tw!tt3r, but I have a filter that hides all tweets fro anyone with a blue check. So all I see is the people and institutions who won't pay,
@pvsundarb Well I mostly use twitter on a laptop in Chrome, so I'm using uBlock Origin. Adding this to the filters does it.
twitter.com##article [data-testid="icon-verified"]>g>:matches-css(fill: rgb(29, 155, 240)):upward(article)
I don't know of anything that supports the equivalent on mobile devices.