My advice if you're trying to start your own #mastodon isntance: USE CLOUD STORAGE! I'm specifically using #s3, but there are other options. If you end up federated with a lot of other servers you're going to be downloading a lot of media, and that will fill up your local storage quickly. S3 is pretty cheap, and a better form of #contentdelivery anyway. #advice #gettingstarted #twittermigration #selfhosted
@watzon Out of curiosity, what order of magnitude size of data are we talking here?
@quasifrodo I managed to fill a 160GB drive in a couple days. Made it so I couldn't really do anything on the VPS that's running my instance.
@watzon Yeesh! Ok, thanks. That's pretty painful. Is there a resource that describes where this data comes from / how it builds up in more detail?
@quasifrodo oh it's definitely still growing, especially with the number of people fleeing #twitter lately. The good thing is, you can choose how long media items are cached for