Just noticed that #ChatGPT can reformat citation lists. I copy&pasted parts of my publication list from my webpage and asked it to reformat using the ACS style. It also kindly removed the unwanted text to links without being instructed explicitly. Don't hold me responsible for mistakes though :)
@SteinbockGroup I see plenty of disadvantages and no advantage over using a proper citation manager.
@SteinbockGroup I doubt chatgpt will be able to solve this problem.
@SteinbockGroup I'm not sure what you mean by that. Generally the title is not included and the name is shortened to just the initials. Surnames are present in full length and are generally correct. Spelling errors do happen sometimes, but I didn't see it that often. Italians tend to cite other Italians a lot, so this might play a role.
@rastinza I agree. How do Italian titles/name fare in reference lists?