@xtaldave I don't see that as very hypocritical. I think it's much more hypocritical what the NATO block is doing: alerting about the high risk of a nuclear war, dumping all the responsibility on the crazy Russians and then being the first ones to deploy radioactive weapons.
Sure, depleted uranium is not an atomic bomb; but that's not a good way to avoid an atomic conflict.
Depleted uranium rounds are not a new thing, they have been used in plenty of wars in the past with devastating effects on the health of local population and soldiers, the alert and the condemnation from Russia seems appropriate.
Moscow is now saying: let's not get radioactive stuff into this war, but western people are morally superior and as such we're allowed to do as we please.
To put it in other terms: if the German government was to condemn a genocide somewhere in the world, I would think they're doing a correct thing and not that they're being hypocritical because they conducted the largest genocide in history.