请问大家有没有比较好的【查找电脑里的重复文件】的软件 windows系统 @board @help
@schreiben @board @help dupeguru https://dupeguru.voltaicideas.net/
dupeGuru is a cross-platform (Linux, OS X, Windows) GUI tool to find duplicate files in a system. It’s written mostly in Python 3 and has the peculiarity of using multiple GUI toolkits, all using the same core Python code. On OS X, the UI layer is written in Objective-C and uses Cocoa. On Linux & Windows, it’s written in Python and uses Qt5.
@kenlai 谢谢
QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance All cultures welcome. Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.
@schreiben @board @help dupeguru https://dupeguru.voltaicideas.net/
dupeGuru is a cross-platform (Linux, OS X, Windows) GUI tool to find duplicate files in a system. It’s written mostly in Python 3 and has the peculiarity of using multiple GUI toolkits, all using the same core Python code. On OS X, the UI layer is written in Objective-C and uses Cocoa. On Linux & Windows, it’s written in Python and uses Qt5.