
🚴‍♀️ 8 km (4 km with groceries)

Strength (x5):
1️⃣ TRX pull-up x8
2️⃣ X mountain climbers x30/side
3️⃣ Push-up x4
4️⃣ #animalflow 🐒 swing practice x2/side
5️⃣ TRX dips X8
6️⃣ Static lunge + heel raise @ 8kg x8/side

Avoiding high impact exercises at the moment because of knee pain. I hope I can go back to normal within a few days, otherwise I'm stuck with mountain climbers as high intensity exercise with no jumping 😭.
I might try plank jacks too.

#fitness #fitodon


@s1m0n4 Even though you can't go all out in your workout, you're still beating everyone on the couch. 💪

@sergeant Thank you 😅!

The main issue is that I'll soon get sick of mountain climbers or high intensity plank exercises (the only ones I can do without my knee complaining).

If the weather is nice I can take the bike and go far, but I don't like riding a bike in the rain. I can gladly run in all sorts of rain, but biking on the river side scares me a bit.

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