@pixiecata I've been an FP jockey for 60 years. Jinhao makes great pens but you have to know what you're doing to fine tune and polish the nib, feed, etc. Once you do, you have a pen that will serve you pretty much forever. The same is true for old Sheaffer school pens.
I have fancy pens but my everyday writers are Jinhao's.
When it comes to how well the pen writes and works, price means nothing. Funny thing is my Jinhao pens are more striking and eye-catching than my "fancy" pens. When people see me writing, they are always the most interested in the Jinhao's, especially those with a big #6 nib. Ooooh, wow. The #6 nibs are the hardest to get working right but once you do they just go and go.
So yeah, if you write with a fountain pen to enjoy the writing experience and not to impress your friends, go with Jinhao, set the pen up properly, and write.