I'm on the biggest Zoom call in history. White Women Answer the Call for Kamala Harris. IT's now also streaming on YouTube cuz we broke Zoom! Join us at answerthecall2024.com. Seriously. We're making history #Kamala2024

Trump allies hobble misinformation research

Claire Wardle knew her email account wasn’t private.
Starting last fall, whenever the prominent misinformation researcher sent or received an email, she had to consider how the message might be swept up and publicly picked apart.

That’s because Wardle’s employer at the time, Brown University, had engaged a law firm to use AI software to sift through her correspondence, searching for messages from government agencies or tech companies
-- at the request of a Republican-led investigation into the politically divisive field of misinformation research.

The investigation stems from a legal campaign
-- led by allies of former president Donald Trump to cast the study of misinformation as part of a broader conspiracy to censor conservative voices online.

It has transformed the daily life and work of Wardle and many others who worked at tracking election misinformation online,
-- a field now reeling as the 2024 presidential race enters its final months.

Wary of the political scrutiny, researchers held back from publicly airing some of their insights on the spate of conspiracy theories erupting online after the July 13 assassination attempt on Trump,
according to one such researcher, who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of fear of political retribution.

False rumors and disinformation have proliferated online as the nation reels from that shooting and President Biden’s withdrawal from the race.


More evidence of cookies used in US surveillance — data transfers of adtech data to the US eg Google facilitate US government surveillance. 404media.co/how-the-fbi-is-hun

Valentina Bondarenko, a top Russian economist, has died at the age of 82 after falling out of her apartment window in Moscow, Russian state-run media reported on Tuesday.
Bondarenko, a leading research fellow at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, fell out of her apartment window on Monday evening, emergency services told news agency Tass.
"She fell out of the window of her apartment, unfortunately, it was not possible to save her, the injuries she received were incompatible with life," the source said.
Newsweek has contacted Russia's Foreign Ministry for comment by email.


"Trump’s nephew Fred III – the one who likes him – says Trump told him, in the oval office, in May 2020, that the disabled, quote, “these people…the shape they’re in, all the expenses, maybe those kinds of people should just die.”

It is somehow worse than it seems...." (more 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼)

#Trump #TheDisabled"

The Metals Company is desperate to start mining the deep ocean, so it funded research to prove its plans would have a low environmental impact.

Instead the scientists it funded found the metals produce oxygen that could be essential for the survival of deep-sea creatures.


#mining #tech #evs #ocean

Federal minimum wage in:

2009: $7.25
2010: $7.25
2011: $7.25
2012: $7.25
2013: $7.25
2014: $7.25
2015: $7.25
2016: $7.25
2017: $7.25
2018: $7.25
2019: $7.25
2020: $7.25
2021: $7.25
2022: $7.25
2023: $7.25
2024: $7.25

Folks, it's time to raise the damn wage already.

"New study reveals that mussels, oysters and other sealife contains an excess amount of fiberglass"


Oyster findings: "11,220 glass particles per kilogram, while the mussels had 2,740 particles . . ."

#seas #seafood #fiberglass #oysters #mussels

With an hour to go to midnight Mountain time (my time zone), the Mastodon for Harris effort has raised just over $24,000 toward the current goal of $25,000. We have 390 contributions and innumerable folks here on #Mastodon spreading the word. Thanks one and all. secure.actblue.com/donate/mast

Biden was never the kind of person to go for the enemy’s jugular. Kamala grew fangs as a prosecutor, and she’s already telling voters what Fox never told most of them for the past 8 years. She’s going to tear Trump’s throat out. I’m okay with that.

Well the man that #Vance referred to as "America's Hitler" has been calling for the execution of drug dealers since 2018. He even wento so far as to praise Duterte for his killing spree.

This coming from a guy whose regime was described as "awash with speed" and other drugs.
He also called for his political opponents to be arrested and tried by military tribunals.
He openly embraced the QAnazis who are expecting the mass arrests to lead to mass executions.

#VoteBlue #Harris2024 #BlueWave #NeverTrump #NeverAgain

Given how today's print media uses quotation marks to spin stories and headlines as they please, I think we should rename the "double-quote" character to spin-mark.

'Mic drop': Dems celebrate as presidential race gets new theme of 'prosecutor vs. felon' - Raw Story


“We thank President Biden for his decades of public service and for leading the charge to save American democracy in 2020. By passing the torch, Biden is once again putting our democracy and the American people first—something Donald Trump is incapable of.” - Stand Up America’s Founder and President, Sean Eldridge

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Still seeing a lot of people reacting with shock and surprise at Elon Musk's overt racism, and frankly it boggles the mind.

What part of 'Musk is from South African Apartheid Mining Money' does everyone not get?

In American terms, Elon is the son of the owner of the biggest, richest cotton plantation in the South, and his slaves were freed when he was 23. Of course he's racist!!!

I have to say the relentless MEDIA drumbeat calling for Biden to step aside, plus their relentless quibbling about his gaffes, together with their absolute SILENCE over Trump's gaffes, crimes, and general insanity is very, very tiring and depressing.

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