So Linux always has 26 different ways to do everything. (That's not a complaint.)
Having not worked in a "Linux shop" where programmers readily exchange tips and tricks, I've done Linux for the past 21 years by myself. And I continue to wonder what is the best way to do this simple thing? So I thought I'd throw this out here.
On a Raspberry Pi I have both Python 2 and Python 3 installed. For years I've only used Python 3. But the default command "python" runs Python 2. For Python 3 I have to use python3.
To reverse this situation I can create aliases in .bashrc. Is that the easiest / best way?
@murodegrizeco I'll look into that. Thank you.
@shuttersparks if a Debian-like OS and you want a systemwide change, then check out "update-alternatives".
If you want a particular python and particular modules, virtual environments are also of interest.
Python has...
and there is also Anaconda:
Python virtual environments can be useful.