Twitter, Tik tok, History, Conspiracy Theories, Rome
The internet is WILD! Just came across a tiktoker who insists that #TheRomanEmpire did not in fact exist. Found a detailed breakdown video of why she believes that. I'm going down the rabbit hole!! Man, #conspiracytheorists are SOMETHING ELSE.
PS: #Twitter remains undisputed repository of random #tiktok finds
Also, what is the wildest "conspiracy theory" you've come across with hoards of believers/propagators of said belief (apart from flat earth theory/religion - since I said believers).
Source to take you on a trip -
@NehaKhazanchi Wildest one I've come across is the "birds aren't real" conspiracy. Oh those tasty government surveillance drones. 🤷
Source for your return trip -
@NehaKhazanchi I think that might be one of the keys to happiness in our time. The ability to take a step back, and laugh at what the world is doing.