@DiamondMind @p @Heliodramus @Hyperhidrosis @Nishi @Terry @Waerloga @meso @noimus @ovinu @re9177 @sjw @thebitchisback @threat @zoidy it been so loing i forgot howe to post, keep pressing enter and wondering why it isnt post OH teh button, right
@DiamondMind @Heliodramus @Hyperhidrosis @Nishi @Terry @Waerloga @meso @noimus @ovinu @p @re9177 @sjw @thebitchisback @threat @zoidy also i habe no pics on this machine, pls help send anything EVEYTHING i need to restock my pile of unfathomable shit

presses enter agan
@Heliodramus @Hyperhidrosis @Nishi @Oblivia @Terry @Waerloga @meso @noimus @ovinu @p @re9177 @sjw @thebitchisback @threat @zoidy what if i fuckin' GOONED for you, Queen? Just joking, i am almost always on semen retention, it has been like 30 days now, no ejaculation
Sharee 1.jpeg
Sharee 3.jpg
@p @Heliodramus @Hyperhidrosis @Nishi @Oblivia @Terry @Waerloga @meso @noimus @ovinu @re9177 @sjw @thebitchisback @threat @zoidy i understand now why the demonic witches want to exterminate children... partially it is to create the maximum horror and the other part is to drink the adrenachrome. God doesnt fucking exist and we will TORTURE GOD by TORTURING the creation.
NGH 8.png
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