I noticed my tape drive with ltfscopy, can wrtie 160MB/s consistently, but only read 60MB/s when verifying (read 300MB/s from my local SSD, using md5sum).
Later I'll read it from my own code and see how fast it can go.
I developed a kind-of-secure workflow when archiving things to tape. Where I select files and copy them to a second-hand tape to see how compression working. When I finally done, I keep a local storage and write then to a new tape. By using ltfscopy with `-v` option, I can make sure the files are copying correctly. Then I run my own tools on the tape to get SHA3-256 (which implemented by BouncyCastle, should be able to handle 160MB/s). Then I can verify the first copy on that second hand tape using my own tool. If everything goes right, I can make the third copy without `-v` option since I know the correct SHA3 generated by my code.
Now I'll have three copies of the same data, one with second-hand HPE MP tape, one with new HPE MP tape, and one new IBM BaFe tape.