Side project for this weekend: https://github.com/hurui200320/utf8-ctc
Encode text using Chinese telegraph code, but with UTF-8 as a fallback, also with encryption (Transposition Cipher).
This project was built when my friend talked about sending postcards. The postcard costs 0.8CNY to send (proper mail starts with 1.2CNY, in contract, a big mac costs 22 CNY). Anyway, we don't want to spend the extra 0.4 CNY, but we also want privacy using post-services. So I came up with a solution to encode and possibly encrypt the text. All you need is to write and type a bunch of numbers.
No base64 or base58. From my previous experience, they are terrible to write and type.
If you want to know more, I also have a blog to descibe my idea (which I think GitHub's readme is good enough). Anyway, if you want to read, here is the google translated version: https://skyblond-info.translate.goog/archives/1062.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en-US&_x_tr_hl=zh-CN&_x_tr_pto=wapp