Came our from bank, thinking if I wanted to take the chance to ride. Mentally I want to ride, but physically I don't, because it's windy and now catkins are filling up the air (and I'm too lazy).
So I decided to bike to a supermarket. So I did the ride, and it's not that tiring. And I picked up some yoghurt and 3 bottles of coconut water.
I don't know about coconut water until I went to Yunnan last year. I like it so much that I feel super depressed when I can't find the exact same brand in Beijing. I tried different brands but they just don't taste the same. And today I found that brand.
I'm so happy. It deserves a movie.[1]
[1]: When watching a movie, I need the perfect environment: the mood, the snake, the drink, and the movie itself. When I say something (snake or drink) deserves a movie, that's the highest appreciation I can give. And the word "moive" is just a placeholder, it can be a movie, an episode of anime, or a enjoyable youtube video.