Start testing glow sticks. Today's two are identical in terms of light: 558nm ± 2nm. The 1 hour one is super bright but decayed super fast. It barely glows at 1 hour. But at the beginning, it measured 668 lx, reported by my phone, when placing the stick on the screen.
The 10 hours one is not that bright, but still good for reading. It feels much easier to see compared to the blue glow stick: the blue one is bright, but it makes my eyes exhausted. The yellow one is much better. Since human eyes are much more sensitive to green light, I would expect the green one to be the best. But I'm also curious about the white one.
And with the last two images, you can tell the lacking of blue makes the color very off. You can hardly see blue. I mean, that's expected, and I know this. But seeing with my own eyes is just amazing.
The only spend I can imagine is I ordered 100USD worth of glow sticks from Japan.