Despite I'm not happy about the third season of 響け!ユーフォニアム3, I decide to give 花田十輝 another chance. From what I discussed with my friends, he is only the head writer, and he was a good writer, as long as there were good directors to guide him. I also can't believe he did a such terroble adoptation. シュタインズ・ゲート, 日常, 中二病でも恋がしたい!, 境界の彼方, and 宇宙よりも遠い場所, those are pretty good, and I like them. So the next bangumi I'm gonna watch is やがて君になる. I hope it can prove 花田十輝 is not the one who should take all the blame.
Now I'm actually thinking the director 石原立也 should also take the blame, since he is the director.
Also, I still miss 山田尚子. Maybe I should watch K-ON.
Apparently, donations and external help cannot heal the wound left by that fire. Kyoto Anime is one of my favourite studios, but I'm afraid now they might start going down hill.
I mean, among, not amount