@starfleet @freemo @nightpool Well played, reminds me a little of Star Trek.
@LWFlouisa @nightpool@cybre.space @starfleet Well it should, it is directly from Star Trek :)
@freemo @starfleet @nightpool Yea sometimes I find it hard to tell, because of ToTheStars academy.
@LWFlouisa @nightpool@cybre.space @starfleet Not familiar with that.
@freemo @starfleet @nightpool Ah! It's a Tom Delonge and MIC initiative.
@LWFlouisa @nightpool@cybre.space @starfleet Don't know MIC either :)
@freemo @starfleet @nightpool Military Industrial Complex.:P
@freemo @starfleet @nightpool At least now I don't have to wonder why the US military is watching me. Just the Federation of Planets, and fleeing borgs.
@LWFlouisa @nightpool@cybre.space @starfleet Atleast the United Federation of Planets are the good guys :)
@freemo @starfleet @nightpool I just wish I saw more Vulcan women. It was never very clear what exactly them or their homeworld like. Then again I'm not a Cyberpunk/Matrix type.
@LWFlouisa @nightpool@cybre.space @starfleet They give some hints here and there. I could totally geek out on the details of Vulcan culture :)
@starfleet Peace and long life
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