The weird wolves of #Polesia – our #IdąPsięta pack of #DogsOfMastodon, warily exploring the strange new environment that fell on them during the night.
Pines are covered with heavy snow, but the ground underneath them is still free of it. #IdąPsięta #DogsOfMastodon #Polesia #winter
Heavy snow can break branches, and we want to keep those trees, as they shield us from the road. It's good to have a supply of 6 m (20 ft) aluminium masts which we normally use for our #RuralBroadband installations – they're great for removing some of that snow. The dogs have no idea what's going on, but enjoy it.
We are asking our #dogs, #IdąPsięta, not do anything dangerous today. There's no way we could drive them to the vet.
@jjcelery Kluczem do przetrwania zimy jest właściwie ubranie. Oraz whisky.
@szescstopni w Irlandii śnieży rzadko, więc mnie czasem jakaś tęsknota łapie do prawdziwej zimy...
Aż do momentu gdy sobie przypomnę mój kombinezon w stylu Michelin Man i jak mi strasznie cały czas było zimno