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Are you absolutely sure you want to interrupt me having a drink?

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Vuko attempting to connect to the Internet, where no one will know who he really is.

I don't usually share stuff in Icelandic but I want this to be seen.

My friend Ásgeir, poet and cultural critic, died last week. We had known each other since 1991 when I was twelve and he was fifteen. I tried to paint a picture of him and our relationship.

Traditionally such obituaries are published in the newspaper Morgunblaðið. Ásgeir used to work there and one of the last thing he published was a scathing indictment of the incoming editor, and former Prime Minister of Iceland, Davíð Oddsson. While most people kept their heads down hoping to be spared Ásgeir rose to the occasion.

I wonder what is the history of this little slice of building. Seen on my little walk into Long Melford.


6 December 1921 | A Pole, Marian Kołodziej, was born in Raszków.

Deported to #Auschwitz from Tarnów on 14 June 1940 in the first transport of Poles to the camp.
No. 432
He survived.
After the war he was a painter & stage designer.
Author of monumental „Negatives of Memory”.

What is 'excessive reposting'? When I came here a bit over two years ago people were all like 'retoot, retoot, retoot'. Has it changed? Is it all about 'me' now?

Ok, inspired by my new profile picture, I think it's time to tell a story. This was inspired by a picture I saw on Twitter, I think by Skulls and Sheets, who sadly doesn't post here any more. I basically made the story up from tweet to tweet. Buckle up for the story of Mari and the corgi.

New seasonally appropriate profile pic in its full glory.

We are almost there folks hang in there

2020 ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░ 520%

Happy Birthday COVID! Officially 5 years old today! The time has flown by and a lot has happened.

There is a lot about the last 5 years that I regret, a lot I'd like to forget, yet also a lot that I'm really proud and happy about.

See you at 525%

I checked my gmail spam folder and found a legitimate notice that I may qualify for a class action suite against Google over invasion of privacy. this is a maximally google turn of events

Open letter from a group of sleuths re problems with editors/papers at Scientific Reports
They've published 23K papers in 2024 with APC of £2090, raising £48 million from this journal alone, so should be able to put resource into cleaning this up.

Kojarzycie tych obcych / duchy / hatifnatów naklejanych na znaki drogowe?

Trafiałem na nich w miejscach odległych od siebie, często zadziwiająco dalekich od głównych dróg. Te z podpiętych zdjęć były złapane w województwie kujawsko-pomorskim i wielkopolskim, ale widywałem je też w zachodniopomorskim i pomorskim.


Straßenlaternen zu bestickern ist eine Einstiegsdroge in die politisch motivierte Kriminalität.

"Blokowanie pół miasta na maraton jest uzasadnione, bo to promocja zdrowego stylu życia"

Tymczasem maraton: *darmowe hehe piwko dla każdego kto ukończy bieg*

The people in the neighborhood wanted a bridge over the creek. The city had no funding for #PedestrianInfrastructure for something like that. But they did get an #art grant, so they hired an artist to create an art installation that would span the creek that people could walk on. I frequently walk my dogs along this creek and yes, over the bridge sometimes.

GREAT change is approaching. NIST will standardise prohibition of requirement of composing passwords from various character styles, and requirement for periodic password changes. These are harmful and obsolete rules. Now they will be treated as a cybersecurity weakness

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