I mean, if an EU citizen’s initiative to tax the rich cannot get a paltry 1 million signatures (less than one quarter of one percent of the population), I guess we really must deserve this bullshit system.
@aral Well, taking into account that billionaires usually don't have their money in cash to lose it to inflation but in real state or other property... and that cash can be moved out of the EU very easily (while still being able to use it) while property is hard and real state is impossible...
I think is much more effective to tax property. And property is already taxed.
Not to talk about that there isn't a centralized european tax office.
@traspie > property is already taxed This is a good point, although I guess millionaires not getting taxed enough has let them hoover up more property.
@aral I wonder if online petitions the world over are just about tilting against the windmill that is lack of choice in elections.