Long read. Fantastic perspectives on programming, software, architecture, teams, computing ... in a Q&A from Forth land
#Forth #Programming #Computing #EmbeddedSoftware
Erlang achieves Dan Ingalls' Smalltalk goals
Choice in software systems design seems hampered by the scaffolding needed to use shared memory and message passing between threads and processes. Dan Ingalls: "An OS has the things not there in the language. There shouldn't be one.". It was about #Smalltalk but the #Erlang VM seems to solve that, with shared binaries between processes and transparent message-passing across nodes. Maybe your language and database should run on the #BEAM ?
Greetings, people! I am a software developer. Outside of work, I use free/libre software almost exclusively. I am pained that we continue to allow nature and community to get degraded by crony individualism. We can do much better, e.g. the voluntary refugee concept.
I have been chuffed with the #Fediverse almost all of the time I have been on it. There is plenty of food for thought in many a toot out there. I am having to move off @wyatwerp now, and really happy to find a Fediverse instance that ... uh ... federates.
The OpenStep specification was released in 1994. On macOS, Cocoa remains almost a superset of OpenStep. With very few exceptions (aside from some cleanup to make things more compatible between 32- and 64-bit systems), most APIs still work as well as they did on OPENSTEP. It’s quite easy to write software that would compile against any implementation including all versions of OS X, macOS, OPENSTEP for Mach, Solaris OpenStep, GNUstep, and ravynOS.
Some of the original design choices were optimised for systems where 8 MiBs of RAM was considered a lot, so were less ergonomic than they could be, but newer implementations let you avoid these in exchange for more memory consumption. Adding compositing support for GPU offload was a fairly minor change and was backwards compatible.
How is your favourite GUI toolkit doing for API stability?
@deepthoughts10 @grumpybozo @jwz and the mail clients most people use don’t even show the sender’s address any more, just the easily spoofed sender name - so authentication at the domain level basically doesn’t achieve anything useful
@alex The only function of copyright law is to create new territory for the land owners to conquer, because they already own all the physical land. And just like trespassing through someone's private garden is not going to result in legal action, so it won't with copyright infractions for the private authors. But try to trespass on a factory, sports stadium or airport, and the situation will immediately escalate. Even though the laws, just like the copyright laws, are theoretically the same.
What you wrote is not criticism, but pure negativity. It's not welcome here on Mastodon.
@simrob @mattblaze @ct_bergstrom it's wrong in multiple ways at the same time, so in their world it's AI
@untakenusername Don’t forget that cryptocurrency also requires a rather advanced fundamental misunderstanding of economics.
@paninid To be fair the news is this way too.
@rolle And let me guess, some phanaticks are already up in arms against this feature and are threatening to fork the software and defederate any instance that implements this?
(I have no idea why they would do that, but I have a long experience in open source.)
@alex Have you considered using an actual database?
@fribbledom Waiting for the re-implementation in Rust …
pro-libre software, pro-holisticism
pro-communalism, anti-consumerism
fan of #Plan9 and #HaikuOS
anti-witchhunt, see https://stallmansupport.org
I write software (C++) for a living.