the draft is tentatively completed in all its sections and sub-sections and now, ready to be initially referred to...
the related project on this wordpress page
a drill involving basic R-C series transient circuit here, trying to make a mathematical model for the action of relay switch as it opens after some time it has been closed finds relevance in further analysis of system control applied in my present project
updated draft up to page 13 to include equation (13.29) and in the updates we have repositioned the step function in equation (9) so as to be more mathematically formal along with some relevant Laplace transforms and basic inverse Laplace transform included in (13.5) there is also an emphasis on initial condition of the overall response
updates as of today include eq'n((13.24)), which is the approximate form of the ripple factor...
updated it today to include very short details that establish consistency of the equation of constraint (23.4) with the static metric solution (20.14) and such consistency is granted by the identity equation (22.5) in the static case
in later updated versions of this draft i shall include some concise details to illustrate through calculations that in (1+1) dimensions Einstein's tensor vanishes
For the Higgs sector we have, in addition to the Lagrangian for the Higgs field, those terms coming from the Yukawa interaction Lagrangian that contain the interactions of the Higgs boson with the leptons (with the exception of the neutrinos) and quarks.
typo in (30.2) prev post 09052024 has been corrected now
updated up to eq'n(13.7), one of the main objectives in this exercise is to obtain the ripple factor
redrafted almost the entire introduction based on the changes in the customization
updated (10052024) from pp.58 to 60: one thing we can highlight in those update pages is eq'n(29.1), where the vector gauge bosons W and Z acquire their masses and this involves the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field as well as the coupling constant g_2
i recognize it as a duality between inductor and capacitor in this draft
I have enough free time today to make some online posts. A sort of a quiz and the answers will be given in a draft form discussing inductor-capacitor (LCF) filter with input (source) voltage derived from full wave rectification. Textbooks discussing system feedback and control are recommended along with basic electronics engineering resource materials on basic power supply engineering.
the correspondent himself is a physicist, as most physicists would do, cite the statistical significance or sigma of the results
to correct a misunderstanding even talking to myself bcus inflation happened before bigbang
the inherent quantum nature of our Universe were seeded during cosmic inflation: a phase that preceded and set up the hot Big Bang
i used to think of big bang as the start of spacetime itself but it's a state of the universe when it had a very low entropy. inflation began first during which spacetime expanded so rapidly then as it ended it dumped all remaining energy that manifested as the big bang
making the signals much more stable and precise in ways that could increase radar sensitivity, the accuracy of analog-to-digital converters and the clarity of astronomical images captured by groups of telescopes.
filling some loopholes i also find this book handy for instance, you can start with the free KG scalar to know how things can lead to field decomposition, pp. 171, other thorough discussions on basic mathematical aspects of a quantum field like Feynman propagator
i'll be working a lot on my projects in customized electronics let them be posted here from this link
now we have come to a basic l^(2)_(alpha)-lepton theory in the SU(2)XU(1) construction as we are still following the notations used in [5]. in the next update a basic higgs boson theory will be presented.