@digdeeper@mastodon.honeypot.im Distroot looks exactly like what I've been looking for, thanks!
It's also a bit amusing (and only slightly annoying) they close registrations for the weekend.
@timorl @digdeeper Every time ive tried to sign up to disroot its closed for the weekend, or currently unavalable , so i reckon ull prob see that one a few more times yet :p The one time i did mange to get in i was declined, guess they didnt like my answer lol :o Disroot is a lot like that i hear, and now xp myself, if they dont like ur answer, they decline u. Thats actually the same as censure. Its supposed to prove ur not a robot, but they clearly also choose based on personal oppinions:)
It's lots of work to setting one up, but once you've done it before and documented your steps along the way, you'll see it's not all that hard after all.