Seeing more reactions and actions on ChatGPT in education reminds me that looking at technology in Ed a "good" or "bad" is really unproductive.
We really should be considering affordances and constraints, and really importantly HOW a technology tool is used.
There are few technology tools that I have not seen used both extremely poorly harming students and well to support student learning based on the underlying pedagogy driving the use of the tool.
I also think that privacy, especially with minors is often wholly ignored in these discussions.
@ZingerLearns @edutooters here's some teaching aids i have been experimenting with :
1. an admissions evaluator : https://cookup.ai/a/admission-whnqib7b/
2. GPT-checker proof essay generator https://cookup.ai/a/easy-essay-detector-proof-y9ojklov/
3. Mind Mapper : https://cookup.ai/a/mindmap-create-structured-thoughts-r9sqgmca/
4. Generate a Preprint : https://cookup.ai/a/pre-print-latex-vy0hga2j/
5. Make a table : https://cookup.ai/a/pdf-table-converter-1aqnprrk/
6. Musical Education : https://cookup.ai/a/musical-exercise-tzftq3tw/
7. PE : https://cookup.ai/a/k-12-physical-activity-inspiration-7baaoy3k/
8. Lesson Plan generator
9. Probem Solver : https://cookup.ai/a/problem-solver-lrsnpcdw/
10. WorkSheet Generator : https://cookup.ai/a/quiz-workbook-for-education-8qrs5rkl/
Hope this fits in the discussion with concrete and testable examples for folks , feedback welcome :-)
In the future i'm very sure that there will be a company with "turnkey" entire curriculum textbook / workbook generators that will cost anywhere from 600 to 4000 euros per output
@ZingerLearns @edutooters lesson plan generator link : https://cookup.ai/a/lesson-plan-for-k-12-classrooms-nuzysbgl/
@ZingerLearns well, on your last point, the AI is very responsive to it, more input the better the output, just freeform it in a stream of consciousness . But overall what you're seeing is more the limit to the number of tokens (ie $) spent on each output. So for example i use other tools that produce better results. I'm really honored you took the time to thoughtfully consider and work through the prompts provided, you seem to have your finger on the pulse of these mores , so hopefully you'll keep being a bellweather or even a lighthouse to the whole community of educators 🚀