For those who've been following the #Python Functions Series, today we'll take a short break and Day 10 will return tomorrow – There's still a related-thread later today, but not directly part of the series.
So far we've covered:
• terminology (boring but useful)
• …
@s_gruppetta Why don't you make use of this server's wonderful feature of being able to have one big post? It's a bit spammy this way and makes it less readable.
If you insist on seperating your posts up like that, I'd suggest to have your first post be public and subsequent ones be unlisted (since they're threaded the first post will suffice to be publicly shown).
@s_gruppetta But that's where markdown, with headers and such, come in use. It'll be bite-sized that way.
Plus your bite-sized posts seem to cut off at weird spots. A list that gets cut off instead of letting it be listed fully in one post?