Trying to make up my mind about vs. in these days. (Most likely I'll keep both — it's about which to use by default and promote among my contacts of the .)
So far:

✅ Telegram:
‣ Web client (this is big).
‣ Many useful features, and rapid pace of development.
‣ One can edit past messages, and (more or less) delete them, too.
‣ API, bots, apps.

✅ Signal:
‣ The server is and , too (although this is not terribly important per se).
‣ Better (eg, E2E also in group chats).
‣ Developed by a non-profit (is it an advantage, though?).
‣ Recommended by experts I personally trust (, ) and other thoughtful techies ().

Fediverse: anything to correct or add? Specifically: has anyone compared their respective ToS? I'd like to know what types of data they [say they] harvest, and exactly with what legal entities they're shared.

@tripu I personally recommend Signal. Mainly because the encryption is tried and true, and tested by experts. Telegram rolled their own encryption method and although the app is open source they keep their encryption secret there's no way to verify it works as advertised.

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