Oh, dear. Why is it so difficult to discuss stuff dispassionately?
What I'm saying is that many people I know (good, non-violent, non-sexist people) have at some point in their lives kissed someone without been given explicit consent to do so beforehand. I have even witnessed that, and I did not call the police. In those instances I have in mind, the “victim” themselves definitely didn't think much of that — and not because they were afraid of the “perpetrator”, brainwashed or delusional. No violence ensued. More often than not, there were awkward laughs. At most, a shout and an expletive. If I told you about those incidents in detail, I think in most cases you would find the situation more “cute” or “embarrassing” than “offensive”.
All I'm saying is: those were not “sexual assaults” in the least, those people are not “criminals”, and surely their employers don't need to know about those incidents.
Is all this really so alien to your own experience and so far from your expectations about flawed human interactions?
I promise this is my last answer to you in this thread, unless you tell me that you want to continue.