@ericsfraga @Cnoceda I use #emacs #mu4e for mail, so I somehow need to get the mail into a maildir.
There are other tools that just do the #OAuth2 authentication (see, e.g., https://sites.uw.edu/bxf4/2022/09/01/getting-uw-outlook-365-oauth2-to-work-with-emacs-mu4e-mbsync-and-msmtp/), but I don’t see how I could create an “Azure Active Directory App,” so this already fails at Step 1… That’s why I tried tunneling #mbsync through #davmail.
@Cnoceda @ericsfraga I see. This is a slightly different use case. My problem is that I need OAuth2 authentication for IMAP access, the rest should be fine.
@true_mxp @ericsfraga I have problems with the smtp inside my job. The protocol is blocked, so the unique way was using something https compatible. That’s why I turn to davmail. I don’t have synchronization problems at all. I use mbsync+davmail+mu4e