A video by a Catalan scholar defending Carla Rossi has appeared on #Receptio's youtube channel.
Unfortunately, zero argument is put forth, beside extolling his undying respect for the brilliant Professoressa.
As a Frenchwoman I am piqued by the presence of a French scholar on the board. Wondering if there are journalists going down the email list to collect statements as we speak...
Do you think the Sergio Rossi on the board of Reception's TCLA journal is related to Carla Rossi?
I know the name is common, but so are her relatives on the #Receptiogate roster...
Ok, new avenue of investigation: is the
H2CU - Honors Center of Italian Universities aware Receptio claims to be affiliated to it, right on its homepage? #receptiogate
RT @LEUsavage@twitter.com
#ReceptioGate gets even dodgier. The medieval manuscript ‘research centre’—which won massive grants based on a house-of-cards of fake news, plagiarism, & ethical breaches against—plans to become an ‘antiquarian bookseller specialised in illustrated Books of Hours’.
Professor Rossi seems to have taken down the two pdfs she had recently added to her Academia page adressing the still developing #receptiogate.
I wish I had thought to download/screenshot...
Correction: the two pdfs have indeed disappeared but it is possible they have been taken down as spam by the site.
(Though not very probable imo)
RT @bernareuss@Twitter.com
Writing from Zürich: it appears that at one of the last assemblies of the faculty of Philosophy, her position as "Titularprofessor" was not renewed. Not a thing that happens very often...
RT @dlvlk@Twitter.com
“Due to allegations of plagiarism, the University of Zurich has announced an independent investigation.” #ReceptioGate
Carla Rossi's answers on Academia have been saved, in case you are curious:
Thanks to @tkneubuhler for the link!
Today #receptiogate episode: details from Peter Kidd
Plot twist!
New document on Rossi's academia page trying to turn the tables on Kidd by claiming HE incorporated her work into his blogpost, citing the Wayback Machine
Only one small problem: that's not what it shows at all :D
See details here https://twitter.com/JW_Fr/status/1608777422689931271?t=16H1N6TwFuWfuGHQ4XZf8Q&s=19
La presse locale de Lugano a choisi son camp et essaye de faire passer le dumpster fire de #receptiogate pour une controverse, ce qu'il n'est franchement pas
Via https://twitter.com/SusanKlaiber/status/1608764747528417280?t=MjWzyVV0i7Vi3kL9B07XTA&s=19
Il semblerait que le journal ne soit pas des plus fiables et qu'on peut le soupconner de se contenter de relayer la version de Rossi.
#Receptiogate keeps on giving: one of the institute's fake scholar has "published" in a volume edited by Rossi, mostly to say how great she is and how bad one her rivals is o_O
On the systemic incentives for such deviant behaviour:
Institutional staff headshots become... "private family photos" in a bid to take Kidd's blog off the net! #receptiogate
Et ça continue, encore et encore...
Rossi also plagiarized some of her grant proposals and CfP from various online sources.
Wow, a whole new layer: Rossi apparenty uses a pseudonym, Lev Loewenthal, to write fiction, which is a hallowed tradition and not a problem in itself.
- she pens reviews of her own novels without disclosing it.
- the novels appear to be plagarized.
- the cover illustration seems also lifted wholecloth.
One of the titles? "The Falsifier of words" T_T
The Receptio Institute also held events with public readings of Loewenthal's poems and public sales of watercolour artworks by the same... that are -you guessed it- plagiarized off another artist!
From Christof Rolker, one of the plagiarized scholars:
"So by now, I am 99.99% percent certain that the text in question consisted in large parts of plagiarized material. Also, by now the project description has been moved, reworked, abbreviated, and translated, effectively stopping to contain plagiarized material in its most recent version. While stopping to plagiarize is a good thing, the silent correction also means that the authors who were plagiarized are still not given credit, no apologies were made, and in fact checking the allegations of plagiarism has become more difficult."
A thread summary of Rossi's latest response, if you must know.
(Same old denial)
@temptoetiam What struck me the most in the January 10 #receptiogate document by #Rossi was the (strategic? uninformed?) conflation of #copyright infringement and #plagiarism. CR denies copyright infringement took place, claiming the materials either did not rise to the level of "works" or are in the public domain. But the accusations are in fact related to plagiarism, primarily a matter of academic standards and honesty, not copyright law, and are not addressed by CR at all.
@christof @temptoetiam
It's worse than not addressing the charges of plagiarism; by arguing public domain, she is essentially admitting that she plagiarized.
The work of 19th century scholars such as Ludwig Traube is all public domain by any standard. It's still plagiarism if I copy it without quotation and attribution.
@taoish @temptoetiam Exactly! – She's also arguing that Kidd does not have a copyright statement on his blog, and sort of concludes that this means there is no issue with lifting content. Which is absurd, of course, because copyright does not need to be claimed, it arises automatically. (I'm not a copyright lawyer by any means, but that's pretty basic stuff.)
@christof @temptoetiam @taoish In her own words, Energie9 is “crap”: “Lees mijn serieuze boeken, mailt zij, ‘not this crap on Energie9.’” https://nieuwscheckers.nl/meer-plagiaat-in-werk-zwitserse-onderzoekster/