@valleyforge why powder coat ammo?
@Diptchip You only really have to worry about lead poisoning if you're working with lead dust that you can inhale. For casting and working with liquid lead just make sure you're outside or in a well ventilated area. Lead isn't a volatile chemical and doesn't put off fumes unless it's boiling
@leyonhjelm @valleyforge that's reassuring.
@leyonhjelm @valleyforge What color is for home defense? Lol I don't think I've seen painted bullets before. You think I should I worry about lead fauling in .22lr or air rifles?
@leyonhjelm @Diptchip green gives +10 armor penetration
@Diptchip @leyonhjelm If you're sending pure lead faster than around 1000fps then it may be an issue. If you're using a lead alloy or going slower than that then it shouldnt be a problem
@valleyforge Ah. I haven't had any problems with lead fauling with my 22. I have heard of lead poisoning and it's somithing I'm starting to worry about... Should get a .25 cal pellet mold for xmas, and I've gotta lotta lead. Is lead fauling something I should worry about with a .22 lr or .25 pcp rifle? Or lead poisoning?