I have a bit technological question. Currently I own nodded lenovo g560 (i3-380m +4gb ram + ssd) but the battery is... Well 12 years old as the laptop (or something like that... I am sure its been over 10 years) is it worth it for me to buy a replacement battery or should I save up and buy some new laptop?
@k11m1 How responsive is it? What are you doing with it? It depends on your needs.
@k11m1 Operating system 😄
Hm autocorrent os->is
@k11m1 Ah.. 😅 There are plenty of Linux distributions that are focused on performance / older hardware. Lubuntu/Xubuntu could be fine.
Ye so nothing better than current state :p but still thanks ^•^
@k11m1 You could go full terminal mode without desktop enviroment 😄 Or use Emacs as an operating system.
No emacs s too heavy, I use bspwm. Also full terminal (without GUI) tty is not always that responsive
@k11m1 Yeah I was joking 😄 Nice always wanted to try some tiling WM.
Like idk to what operating system I would switch to get more responsiveness
Idk to what is I should switch to get more responsiveness tbh xD and the battery would be 888czk + shipping