“Anyone who can countenance deliberate starvation has lost their humanity.

Prime Minister Netanyahu, the Irish people could not be clearer. We are repulsed by your actions. Cease fire now and let the aid flow safely.”

– Simon Harris


#israel #gaza #palestine #ethnicCleansing #genocide #apartheid #ireland


Not to mention being forced out of their homes and have their homes bulldozed by illegal settlers, mind you the UK governent have not made no fault evictions in the UK illegal (despite saying they would) so the UK government have a reason to stay silent on this issue.

@zleap @aral what military action in response to the #alaqsaflood would've met with your moral and legal standards, though?

@nicholas @aral

When the US /; UK targeted ISIS and others, we carried out precision intel led strikes, minimizing civilian casualties.

@zleap @aral perhaps...

Hamas *intentionally* built infrastructure to maximize civilian death, tho.


@nicholas @aral

The west has undertaken lots of sorties, missions etc where the target is within civilian areas, we have the tech and the ability to take out individual people or buildings and minimise casualties of non combatents.

When the Seal Team, found bin laden, they did so with a team on the ground, going in taking HIM out. I am sure the report said there were others in the building.

So good intel and the right approach CAN minimise casualties other than the person you either want to capture or kill.

@zleap @aral which is a reply to what was written in what way, exactly?

@nicholas @aral

Trying to respond to

"Hamas *intentionally* built infrastructure to maximize civilian death, tho."

What I am trying to say here is the west has managed to take out enemy combatants without managing to kill thousands of innocent civilians in the process, the US and UK understand we cannot do that under international law.

It shows it CAN be done, so why can't Israel do that, too, esp as they also have western technology.

@zleap @aral

None of those examples employed tunnel warfare, at least certainly not on this scale.

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