If as it appears likely that 🇪🇺will have to start defending itself against Russia 🇷🇺 alone it may be good to realize our IT systems and society aren’t remotely ready for that. https://berthub.eu/articles/posts/cyber-security-pre-war-reality-check/
@bert_hubert agree that EU has to defend itself against Russia and China, but I do not believe it will follow through.
You mob did nothing re China, rather you sold your souls to the Chinese. Led by Merkel.
So, why would you, bar the clear-eyed CEE people, do anything re Russia?
@bert_hubert Also, like us in Australia, your collective military procurement is a nonsense.
A German warship which recently transited the Taiwan Strait but can't go through the Red Sea because it lacks the defensive firepower is EU military power in a nutshell.
China has modern weaponry, it seems Russia still has old soviet stuff,
It seems that some of the NK troops managed to shoot some russian troops, friendly fire, none of them want to be there, there is a differerence between an army of conscripts and people who sign up as they want to be in the army.
Quite. Language barriers and the DPRK way of warfare (mountain, no air power) being different to the Russian one (attritional, open space, air power) don't help.
Perhaps more than conscription/'military labour hire' by Kim, the issue for them is basic nutrition and education.
Do check out the latest Perun video on this issue.
You can tell by the way the audience claps at speeches by the NK leader, everyone claps in the same way, same speed. Contrast that to most other countries and people clap in their own way, Just an observation, maybe I read in to that the wrong way, but it is interesting.
That's a relevant observation, Paul.
Because, yeah, it reflects the reality that no one is asking Kim for proper food.
@zleap @bert_hubert
Of course, the caveat with China is the lack of combat experience with that weaponry.
Indeed re Russia - a lot of the war against Ukraine is being fought on the back of stuff from storage.