🚨 Save the Date! 🚨
AI4Life & GloBIAS are hosting a 4-part webinar series to showcase AI4Life services and lessons learned.
📅 When: Feb 13, Apr 10, Jun 12, Aug 14
🖥️ How: Online | 🎥 Recorded
🔗 Registration: https://bit.ly/registration-globias-ai4life-webinars
📅 Today is the last day to apply for the 3rd AI4Life Open Call! Don't miss out on this chance to improve your bioimage analysis workflows with deep learning support.
Apply before noon UTC: https://ai4life.eurobioimaging.eu/third-open-call
⚠️ Only 1 week remaining to apply for the 3rd (and last!) AI4Life Open Call! Get personalised support in #DeepLearning for bioimage analysis. Apply now before it's too late!
⏳ Deadline: December 10, 2024
📣 The countdown begins! Just 3 weeks left to apply for the AI4Life Open Call. Get expert #DeepLearning support for your bioimaging research—don't wait too long!
Apply now: https://bit.ly/ai4life-oc2025-apply
⏳ Deadline: December 10, 2024
#AI #Bioimaging #ImageAnalysis
For more details about the call, please visit:
Wrapping up a fantastic week at the #BioHackEU24 🎉 Project 17 worked (also) on the future integration of the BioImage Archive and BioImage Model Zoo with #useGalaxy, which will enable automatic import of both images and #AI models, streamlining automated #ImageAnalysis workflows.
Life scientists! The 3rd (and last) AI4Life Open Call is officially open! 🎉 We are offering deep learning support for bioimage analysis. Apply now!
⏳ Deadline: December 10, 2024
#AI #Bioimaging #Imaging #ImageAnalysis #DeepLearning
Non-stop week! Right after wrapping up the General Assembly, we jumped straight into #I2K2024. Huge thanks to Arrate Muñoz for leading the workshop on 'Building Your Own Chatbot for BioImage Analysis'
We're excited to have Katrien Grunberg as an invited speaker at the #AI4Life General Assembly! She is presenting the #Bigpicture project, highlighting its focus on sustainability in digital pathology.
The BioImage Archive is a key partner in AI4Life, contributing significantly to the standardization of metadata for AI-ready datasets—a highly relevant topic in the bioimaging community! 🔥
Check out the preprint that details this work: https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.10443
User support is another great way to engage with the community! @ArrateMunoz invites everyone to fill out the feedback form for @bioimageio. If you've used a @bioimageio model, we’d love to hear your experience: https://bit.ly/bioimage-io-feedback
@BSerranoSolano is leading the communication, outreach and training efforts in AI4Life. The communications plan is open and available for everybody:
Check out also our website to learn how to engage with the project and much more!
@francescogatto, Project Officer at @REA_research, presents powerful tools for the dissemination and exploration of project results at the AI4Life General Assembly
@HenriquesLab is responsible for 'Contributor Services' in AI4Life. Outcomes so far #DL4MicEverywhere, onboarding update #ZeroCostDL4Mic, the @bioimageio Colab
Wei Ouyang presents the updates by the work package on "User Services and Computing Infrastructure", highlighting the new uploader for models, standalone test run service and BioEngine for #HPC
(3/3) The last demo of today is the FAIR documentation. The @bioimageio Chatbot can help you with image analysis questions, general documentation about community partners, datasets at the BioImage Archive and much more!
With BioEngine and Hypha, AI4Life serves models in a scalable way (on-premise too). And! It is possible now to crowdsource image annotations using BioImage.IO Colab (2/3)
Artificial Intelligence For Image Data Analysis
In The Life Sciences, funded by Horizon Europe, created to serve YOU! @AI4Life_Team on the birdsite...