I feel that in all the controversy with google Gemini, we've lost sight of the fact that they've invented a hilarious sitcom character. This is the first really good AI joke, no? Imagine a moment in a plot where a character is so concerned with representation and diversity that they make diverse Nazis. I wish I'd come up with that.

Sweet jesus, Kelly's on a call-in show about space and a caller insisted that his analysis shows a Mars base can be self-sufficient without computer chips.

Well it took the better part of two days but I think I finally have enough of my web accounts switched off of my old Gmail to call that task complete. Now I can hopefully just block and forward emails as necessary.

@mythra oh no! I hope that works out. Sounds very not fun. Hopefully dog friendly hotel is nearby.

@un_ouragan yeah, that's my question. I'm sure there are many companies that would happily pay them large sums of money to provide that service.

Like if you had to choose between destroying the confidence of your users and charging people to solve a problem they care about, I know which I would choose.

seems to claiming


that they will be able to differentiate between legitimate installations and pirated installations. I find this hard to believe because if it is true, it would surely make more sense to me to sell that capability as an expensive premium feature.

So, fun story. In the middle of ActivityPub's standardization, the Social Web Working Group nearly got shut down because we couldn't get the big corporate players to pay attention to us, and the W3C's membership structure required paid membership participation.

We tried *desperately* to get Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc to look at us. They weren't interested. What I heard was that they had written off the idea that decentralized social networks could exist or work by then.

Luckily, management agreed that the SocialWG's work was interesting enough that we should continue. And later having seen what happened when big players entered a standards group... ActivityPub was probably a better spec for being written by people passionate about it instead.

But anyway. That's all to say... it's so *weird* now to be in the present moment, as you can imagine...

God, I don't know. I've always believed artists have to go where the audience is, but I never felt like a trained sealed as much as I have this last year. I guess we're just going to leap into the artist-shaped hole Threads opened up, make ironic jokes as we do so, and then just keep getting smaller and smaller and smaller.

Thank God there are still people who buy books.

So, I have this joke idea that makes me laugh HOWEVER it clearly sounds like it's a political joke. HOWEVER, as a political joke it's fairly incoherent.

What a gaffe! There's an ad for Desantis that appears to compare him to Achilles, apparently forgetting that the wrath of the son of Peleus' was the direful spring of all the Grecian woes! #gaffe

Can someone explain to me why #Reddit can’t just forcibly reopen the subreddits that have gone private in protest?

@mjgardner Reddit isn't like other social networks, it relies on it's unpaid volunteer moderators (of which there are thousands) to keep content safe, relevant, and legal. Since moderators control the subreddits they moderate, they are also participating in the protest.

So reddit could forcibly bring subreddits public again, but without the thousands of moderators, that's likely to end poorly. Even if you ignore the flagrant abuse that would occur, the subreddits still would lose much of the community that makes them interesting places. In many ways subreddits are made by their community moderation.

So I've been on @qoto.org for a while now, does anyone know what a very long post looks like to people outside the qoto instance? Can they still see the whole post? Does it get cut off?

So with all this stuff, here's question:

Reddit had almost 2 decades to figure out how to monetize it's platform in a way that didn't fundamentally destroy its value. Apparently they still haven't managed it.

So in light of the , maybe it's just the case that the reddit 'model' never could have succeeded as a profit driven company, since it's so unusually reliant on volunteer run and moderated communities that seem to be at odds with a larger changes toward profit for the platform.

Gigabyte been selling motherboard with hidden backdoors that can download and execute software, more than 270 models affected wired.com/story/gigabyte-mothe

@CarstenPfeffer This looks great, I've been looking for a tool like this.

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